About Us

We are UBC’s Shared Research Platform for Upright Open MRI research: a full-service facility for translational MR imaging.

  • We are a team of engineers and scientists with a passion for imaging and health research. 
  • We welcome researchers new to, or experienced with, MRI.
  • We can assist you with study design, MRI protocol development, custom pulse sequences, MRI scanning, quantitative image analysis, and tri-council funding applications. 
  • We support academic, government, and industry research.

The Upright Open MRI is a UBC Shared Research Platform funded in part by the Faculty of Medicine, the Centre for Aging SMART, and the Office of the Vice-President, Research & Innovation. 


The Upright Open MRI Shared Research Platform Steering Committee members provide advice to the Vice-President, Research and Innovation, and to staff, to ensure good governance and the sustainability of the platform.

  • David Wilson, Professor, Scientific Advisor 
  • Amy Phillips, Research Engineer, Shared Research Platform Manager 
  • Rachel Fernandez, Associate VP Research & Innovation
  • Bruce Forster, Professor, Representative, Faculty of Medicine
  • Danmei Liu, Research Engineer, Representative, Centre for Aging SMART
  • Piotr Kozlowski, Associate Professor, Representative, MRI Research Community


The Upright Open MRI research services team aims to provide excellent support for all upright open MRI research studies. 

  • Amy Phillips, MASc, Upright Open MRI Research Platform Manager, amy.phillips@ubc.ca
    • Amy completed her Master's in Mechanical (Orthopaedic) Engineering at UBC. She has over 15 years combined experience in health research and imaging, and has led the operations of Upright Open MRI facility since 2014. Amy provides support to researchers in various areas, including study design, developing positioning protocols, rig design, MRI safety training, and tri-council funding applications.
  • Honglin Zhang, PhD, Engineer and Imaging Scientist
    • Honglin completed her PhD in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan. She has extensive experience in research, medical imaging, and quantitative image analysis. Honglin has worked with the Upright Open MRI since 2011.
  • Andrew Yung, MASc, Engineer and MR Physicist
    • Andrew completed his Master’s degree from Johns Hopkins in Biomedical Engineering. He has expertise in radiofrequency coil development. He leads all technical development at the Upright Open MRI scanner, and creates custom pulse sequences for research studies.
  • James Zhang, certified MRI technologist
    • James works with researchers to develop their scanning protocol for their specific research study. He operates the Upright Open MRI scanner with research participants. He works in both clinical and research MRI, and has worked with the Upright Open MRI since 2014.




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